Discover our deals
Featured Deal
Winter Deal
Are you warming up to the idea of a winter escape? Then check out this deal in 17 of Europe's coolest cities: get up to 30% off your stay, plus 1pm checkout and a free meal. *T&Cs apply.
Our hotel deals
Book Direct Deal
This offer is the real deal: save up to 20% on your hotel stay from 1-6 nights at The Social Hub with our value package that includes breakfast and late check-out until 13:00.
Winter Deal
Are you warming up to the idea of a winter escape? Then check out this deal in 17 of Europe's coolest cities: get up to 30% off your stay, plus 1pm checkout and a free meal. *T&Cs apply.
Our semester deals
Student rooms available for next semester
Still searching a room for next semester? We’ve got all-inclusive student rooms available across Europe. Don't miss out and secure your next semester’s stay today.
Book a student room, get 25 meals on us
Booking a student room in Vienna, San Sebastian, Glasgow or Toulouse for 5 months or more? Book before 30 June 2025 and you get to order 25 free meals from our in-hub restaurant's All-Day Menu.
Our coworking deals
Coworking members save more
Whether you opt for a flexible workspace, a dedicated desk or a private office, our 6- to 12-month coworking plans give you full access to our workspaces and deliver more benefits for less.
Get sign-up perks in selected hubs
From flexible workspaces to private offices, we’ve got the right space for you. Sign up for six months or longer between 2 September 2024 and 28 February 2025 to get free day passes and complimentary meeting room access.
Try our coworking space for a day
Searching for a stylish workspace for the day without commitment to a coworking plan? Our coworking day pass offers easy, affordable access to our workspaces, including a flex desk, networking events, tea and coffee, and more.
Meeting & Event deals
Sign up and get 15% off* your hotel stays
Subscribe to our newsletter below and be the first to know about all our news and exclusive offers. *This can't be combined with other deals.
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